
          	shield agent/avenger au
          	penned by spooky ( @itsfrickenbats )
          	this kara never joined the army and instead joined shield when it first opened, becoming a super soldier for them instead of hydra. she was on the plane with steve when it crashed into the arctic, leaving her frozen as well, only to be thawed out 70 years later alongside him. at first, she was only interested in rejoining shield, but eventually was talked into joining the avengers by steve and tony. 


@fragileandtimeless /  YEYSHSHS YESYEYSB THIS




          	  // warren finally gets his avengers kara LMAO


  agent cooper , hey there  !  how are you doing today  ? 


            I don't mind at all . ( she gave a small smile before looking at the picture frame that had the photo . )  aww , how adorable . they most keep you on your toes for being little troublemakers  , yeah ?   how are things with you and ethan   ?  you two truly do look good together , especially in that photo . 


            oh, no, you’re completely fine. i can multitask as long as you don’t mind that i won’t be looking at you our entire conversation. [ she chuckled softly before smiling. ] they are doing wonderful. they’re little troublemakers as you would expect for little ones to be. [ she reached over and grabbed a picture frame, turning it around to reveal a photo of herself, ethan, and the twins. ] this was taken a month or so ago.


              I hope I'm not interrupting your work process . I've been alright . how are the kids , anyways  ? it feels like it's been awhile since I've heard about them . 
            //  you're good <3


  —   ₊˚.       ❪     a  small  traveling circus had found it's way to  their  humble neighborhood .    of course warren  had been the first one to find out about the event .   the twins automatically perked up   begging to go .    ethan quickly realized  it was the perfect opportunity  to  have an  at home date night .   he  quickly set up the arrangements .    now ,  the two sat on the couch snuggled against one another .   he had  a whole night planned for the two .    with  homemade  baked ziti    and  cheesecake  to accompany it.   he had  placed rosepetals  on the ground  to the kitchen and  eventually bedroom where a new   outfit laid for her .    he was careful not to think too loudly of his plans .   he hoped to keep all of the things a secret .   he had even taken the day off without ,  at least he hoped ,  kara's  knowledge to make all of the preparations .   ❫     how was your day luv ? 


            kara had a long day, just as always. by the time she got home, she was exhausted, which is why she was curled up on the couch next to her husband, her head resting on his chest as she held his hand, rubbing the back of it gently with her thumb. “it was a very long day, so i am very happy to be home. i’m absolutely starving, should we order takeout since the kids aren’t home? i’ve really been wanting some pasta recently, but haven’t had the chance to make any.”


ᱬ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ❝ i’m fine. i’m fine. just don’t tell ethan, he’ll lose his mind. but i’m fine. ❞


            “he’s going to notice, trust me,” she said softly as she finished cleaning warren up, “that’s why i’m trying to be quick so you can get out of here before he gets home. that way you don’t have to get asked a million questions, and i don’t get glared at for helping you.” 


ᱬ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ❝ okay, i /really/ did not take that one. if you brought it to a mission, that ring is already lost. ❞


            “warren, it was just here a couple days ago! i haven’t been on a mission in weeks,” she crossed her arms over her chest as she slightly glared up at the male, “if you have it warren i just want it back. i won’t be mad. but ethan bought me that ring so it means a lot to me.”


 – ₊˚.      i  know she means well . .  and at the end of the day she is still my  mum .     i just . .   i don't know kara .     something doesn't feel right . 


            people change, ethan. and you *know* that. why can’t you just give her a chance? every time she does something nice for me or the kids, you get upset about it. 


 —   ₊˚.        she  was so reluctant to care for me then .    why would she care to do so now ?    nothing can makeup for what she did . 


            honey, every time your mother does something nice for us, you always suspect an ulterior motive. why is it so hard to believe that she just wants to try and make things up to you and be in your life again?


*).     my wife 


            // i absolutely love you and ethan (:


*).    and i am in love 


*).    user is everything 


ᱬ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ❝ do we /have/ to? that meeting is at five in the morning, isn’t that… exploitation? it feels like exploitation. ❞


            “well, i mean, can you blame him? we’re the ones he’s known the longest, the ones he can trust the most,” she chuckled, turning to face him completely. kara knew everyone played favorites in the avengers, everyone could tell. some people were just a little less obvious when it came to it. “did you just use vis and jane to try and make it to where i’ll say yes?” she laughed, causing her nose to scrunch up slightly as she shook her head, “i do trust them, because neither of them have almost burned my house down before like a certain warlock.” she playfully glared at warren before chuckling softly, “i’ll let you know if we need someone to watch them.”


“oh yes. he plays favourites with you and bucky,” warren agreed, nodding along. his tone was lighthearted, even though he believed what he was saying to be true. holding a grudge against it would be silly. /everyone/ played favourites. if anything, steve was more discreet about it and most. “oh, kara, don’t feel bad. honestly, i like the break from all this… celebrity lifestyle,” he admitted. “and vis always likes to see them, too. or jane. well, i haven’t /asked/ jane, but she asks about them. you trust them, don’t you?” he grinned boyishly, as though he were making a wonderful offer. if she was smart— which he knew for a fact, she was— she might trust either of the two more than himself.


            kara chuckled quietly at his statement before she tilted her head to look at him better. “of course, warren. we all know i have a sort of pull on steve. just a perk of knowing him this long.” she was teasing, of course, but it was still somewhat true. “i know, and we appreciate it, but they can be a handful, and i feel bad putting you through that, magic or not.”


     –      honey.     please.  put the knife down.    you're chopping extra  loud again.   i  / just /   put the twins down  for the second time. 


            as much as ethan wanted kara to stay home after she had the twins, she just couldn’t. she grew too restless after a while, just itching to get back in the field. although, it normally meant she was tired and cranky when she got home, but ethan was always understanding when it came to that. “ethan, you can’t act like this every time i kiss you,” she chuckled before turning her body so she was fully facing him as she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, scrunching her nose up slightly as he placed kisses on her cheeks. she smiled softly when he kissed her lips before she mumbled, “the timer on the oven is about to go off. best stop it before it wakes the kids.” she pecked his lips again before she pulled away and headed towards the couch so she could relax. 


 —  ₊˚.       ❪    not only were their jobs overly draining but being  partners of two new borns  was a job within itself .     ethan had begged kara to  take more time off  not for her physical but mental well being .    of course there was no arguing with his wife  especially when it came to her actions .   at the end of the day it was her life and body ;   ethan had to respect that .   he groaned playfully after  the kiss .  ❫       that's not fair !    that already sounds tempting ,   and now i  just want another !    ❪   he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him .    he knew she could easily fight against him ,  but he enjoyed that she sometimes  allowed him to  'overpower' her.   he began to  plant light kisses on her cheeks before  pressing his lips against hers .   her kisses were  intoxicating ;   he could never be satisfied with just one . ❫


            it’s been a really long day. i think all my cheerfulness has gone out the window. [ she chuckled softly, giving him a smile when the kiss was placed on her cheek. ] alright then, i’ll probably go watch some tv. and i’ll probably pass out. [ she laughed, scrunching her nose up slightly before she turned her head, placing a kiss on his lips. ]


          shield agent/avenger au
          penned by spooky ( @itsfrickenbats )
          this kara never joined the army and instead joined shield when it first opened, becoming a super soldier for them instead of hydra. she was on the plane with steve when it crashed into the arctic, leaving her frozen as well, only to be thawed out 70 years later alongside him. at first, she was only interested in rejoining shield, but eventually was talked into joining the avengers by steve and tony. 


@fragileandtimeless /  YEYSHSHS YESYEYSB THIS




            // warren finally gets his avengers kara LMAO