
So I might be cooking up a new story even though I have two others in progress; but I do plan on slowly getting back into writing those! But if you'd be interested in the new adventure please let me know!!


Sorry I've been ghosting on here...been in this non motivation, tired all the time mood...and writers block strikes again so...hopefully it will pass soon, I don't wanna post half ass content for y'all when I know full well I can do better...until then I shall say I will be back...soon? With new chapters and such❤


Ayo guys! So I'm gonna be working on the next chapter of "Her Unordinary Ordinary" this week! Despite working on it this week, I'm not going to be setting an upload/publish date. I have midterms this week but I will try and get it up asap! Thank you for the support and understanding!-


Thank you all for the support (yes I know it's only 13 reads guys lol) on Her Unordinary Ordinary! I understand that this is a tough website to reach people on so the fact that I have reached 13 reads blows my mind! I'm so thankful to each and every one of you who have taken the time to read it! However, it is a little discouraging that my story hasn't reached the number of people I had hoped it would.  I have gone in and added more tags in hopes that it will find its way to people or the other way around. Despite all that,  I am still very thankful I have the means necessary to write for you guys!  And I hope to start a new story here soon once I am a little farther in the one I am working on at the moment. Again, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support thus far. Please, if you have the time, comment and tell me what you would like to see from my story or go ahead and tell me what stories you'd like to see from me! I would be so delighted to take write requests!!!! I have chapter 4 in the works right now! When it will be up...I'm not sure. But it should be up within the next week or so, if not I will keep you guys up to date! see ya later guys
          - RoseFox xoxo