
Hello, I know you only wanted to share your favorite fics from ao3, but if you didn’t get permission from the authors to repost their works please delete them. They worked hard on their stories and it’s heartbreaking to see them taken and republished on a website without their knowledge. 


After having another look I think what you did is fine! I was sending this message to several accounts who did direct copy and paste reposts and I must have mistaken yours for one of theirs so apologies! 


@Promise_13  Hi! I can understand why this work can be seen as a repost, but I just made this as a fic review kind of thing and have clarified so in the description now.
            I will remove the description of the fic from text as soon as possible, and will keep only the pictures so it is clear that I am not the author....and that credits are clarified in a better way.
            If u still think these changes do not suffice to make people aware that it is a review work and not repost, please lemme know.
            Thanks for the feedback, bcoz I myself believe reposting is a terrinle thing as I write on ao3 too. My intention was never to harm the authors or repost.
            I'm sorry if it might have seemed some other way