
NaNoWriMo starts today! If you are joining this spectacular, amazing, stressful time of writing a novel in a month, add me as a buddy so we can support each other! forever_writing_26


I was tagged by @gagaga149 to say 10 things about myself so here goes nothing.
          1) I am in love with reading and writing. Literally, I would marry them if I could.
          2) I am a Christian! 
          3) I am an American
          4) I have self-published a book before
          5) I have a dog
          6) I am tall
          7) I am a girl
          8) I won NaNoWriMo this year (and am very proud of it)!!!
          9) I am running out of things to say
          10) I have a manual typewriter and it is my little baby
          I nominate @soulwriter17


Thanks, I know just who to pass it onto


^ @soul_writer_17
            I was going from memory so it's pretty good that I actually was that close ;) 


Thanks so much for the vote! We haven't talked in a long time. I should get back into reading on Wattpad, so I can finish reading your story, Aquamor. Nowadays, I mostly do writing on here.


It's alright ^u^ I get distracted easily too.


Haha, I do mostly writing on here too! I started to read your chapter and it was really good, but then I got distracted! I'll read the rest later:) 