
Question... I'm thinking of reading a Steven King book. Anyone have any recommendations if you've read any of his books? I'm thinking Green Mile or the Shining...


Hey you guys... Alrightt so I've made some regretful decisions. 
          I've made about 5 other books and deleted them, not believing in them. 
          Well I've got another idea, and I wanna stick with it. I want to write a book about pirates. 
          I've always found them interesting. I would make the book be with the same character from the book 'Insane' 
          Would anyone read it? 
          Would it be weird that it's the same character- different story?
          Do you wanna see more of Kayla's adventures?
          Please tell me what you think. Love Ya  -K


Hey you guys, 
          I'm really bad at being persistent... Or being consistent for that matter. 
          I'm bad at sticking to a schedule. So if you guys could give me a suggestion to what I can do to help that'd be great. 
          I wanna update my books regularly, not just when I feel like it.  
          I want the books I write to be reliable to when they'll be updated so I can actually get some writing done.
          Any suggestions? Things I can do to stay on task?
          Maybe pick a day of the week or a time for me to update? (I'm on New York Time by the way) 
          I'm open to all suggestions. Thanks- K.