
Thanks for following me!  Just out of curiosity, why did you follow me?


@tulip650156 wattpad recommend you and I recognized your name, idk where from but Im pretty sure I've seen you somewhere on here


          You have been chosen to be showered with love/Luv so enjoy!❤️
          Now! Post this to everyone who you think deserves all the love/luv in the world.
          If you get:
          One back: You are loved
          Three back: You are popular
          Five back: You are the most loveable people out there
          Nine back: Jeez, I'm jealous
          Front break the chain unless you want to break someones heart. (Is a challenge I think-)


Oh my! You follewed me the first!!!Thank you very much!


Thanks! ^-^


@Lulu_the_Kitcune no problem I really like your artwork and I know how it feels to get some recognition for the hard work you put in. I hope more people find your fanfiction and art work because you really have some potential, I wish you the best of luck.