
Everythings is just sO great lol. We've had more aftershocks and quakes after the initial one, online school absolutely sucks, lonely birthday, etc.
          	But some good things include that I got a bunny for my lonely birthday, along with other things, and I've recently been watching Steven Universe for the first time and it makes me laugh almost every time I watch it!
          	Hopefully the balance stays....


Everythings is just sO great lol. We've had more aftershocks and quakes after the initial one, online school absolutely sucks, lonely birthday, etc.
          But some good things include that I got a bunny for my lonely birthday, along with other things, and I've recently been watching Steven Universe for the first time and it makes me laugh almost every time I watch it!
          Hopefully the balance stays....


I binged My Hero Academia in like two weeks, and then one of my best friends has it finished in four days (finished as in caught up). He literally watched a season a day. I'm so proud! 
          Also, I've started Fullmetal Alchemist and I ahhh I am in love with every bit of it and it's so sad and cute and clever and ahhh *more fangirl screaming*


Ha ha ha ha ha ha. We had an earthquake today and now I feel so anxious just for everything ahh. Online school is kinda hard to understand, and the world is ending, but y'know... I'm not dead yet! Stay safe, everyone!


            I was already awake during the earthquake, but it wasnt to bad for me because im in riverton
            Also online school sucks lol


@Moonlight_Angel_16 the earthquake woke me up haha, it was gentle in Provo tho
            I hope you're okay <3 online school is gonna be frustrating for me too but I just keep telling myself that it's better than my classes being canceled altogether (cuz I want credit for these classes dangit) 


Haven't been on here for about three months. I needed a break. But now that I've decided to come back, more to write than read (in contrast to the last while I was here), I posted a story for y'all. It's the soulmate one. I just had it in google docs, and I just wanted to get it out there so please let me know if it's obvious something isn't in the right order or for any typos or things that don't make sense. I want to improve my writing, but I just need to get past writer's block, and maybe being back on here will help. So hi again. :)


I know it’s been a VERY hot minute since I’ve done anything on here. I apologize. A lot of home and school stuff. But I have been writing, just maybe not quite enough. That story on le Writing Prompts thing, well, I’ve been continuing it and I’m having tons of fun. So maybe I’ll post that with chapters. Anyway, good day!