
What are your favorite genres of books/tv shows...I need inspiration 


What’s stories of mine (besides the rant book) do you guys enjoy the most? I want to post this so that way if you guys like one book over the other, I can spend more time on that book instead of a book no one is going to read.........thanks for reading this (•ᴗ•)


Ok so there’s been a little confusion about my profile some people say I’m the same person as a certain person I follow that has an Apple as there profile and if u say that you right, because I can’t find my password to that account. I will reset my password and post on that account saying this is my main. Kapeesh  


Hey guys sorry it’s been a while I’ve been EXTREMELY busy on trips and dentist appointments and all that crap. So I wanted to tell you guys if you haven’t seen already I posted a new story called “sky bound”. I have great ideas for what it could potentially be! But it can’t happen if there are 0 views I would be just wasting my time because no one would be reading the story and if no ones reading it what’s the point.....unless it’s a rant.....those get me out of stressful situations! So ya again I’m so sorry for being so long I will continue on my other books if you guys support them. Only like one person is reading “story of a wolf”, but you guys seen to like “follow the rainbow” so I will try to get at least a chapter out by next week! So try to be patient and don’t start saying stuff about me behind my back (you know who you are) and bye ^~^!