
So many people are criticizing Strong. I just want everyone to know that I was 13 when I wrote it--yep, 13 LOL. So obviously things were NOT thought out as much as they could've and should've been. If you notice errors, trust me I know, it's quite annoying to see people criticize the same error over and over again. Again, I was 13 lol


So many people are criticizing Strong. I just want everyone to know that I was 13 when I wrote it--yep, 13 LOL. So obviously things were NOT thought out as much as they could've and should've been. If you notice errors, trust me I know, it's quite annoying to see people criticize the same error over and over again. Again, I was 13 lol


6 months ago Strong hit 100k ... Now it's close to 200k. I'm constantly surprised whenever I log on & usually see the reads go up by 1k every half of a week or so. It's crazy, and I'll never understand. But thank you so much, I love you guys. Make sure to read my new story, Elysian!


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i just started laughing because when people comment i always go to read them and somebody commented on addison and niall's first kiss and literally ,.,, i never had my first kiss until february and how the hell did i write about shit when i didnt even know what was up two years ago i apologize for the entirety of strong i was an oblivious as hell child


Dude, I'm constantly blown away by the amount of reads Strong has. It's so unbelievable to me that this story has 114k... Last time i checked a month ago it was 100k, and it is rapidly becoming more popular. Each time I read another comment I think about how poorly written this fic is, and truly wonder why so many people read it. But hey, I'm not complaining! I'm glad people seem to like Strong, and I hope you continue on to Recovery to see what goes down there :) Thank you so much my friends!