
Hello! I've just posted the first chapter of a fanfiction based on the marauders era.
          	I'll be posting more chapters soon! Please go check it out.
          	And also please Vote, comment and share my story.


Hello there, much grateful to you for following me. Happy to have you here, and would like to make it worth your time. 
          'Living in good and bad situations is the part of life, but surviving in all the situations will smile on your face is the real art of life. Have a good day. Keep smiling.'


@ThatGulabJamunGirl awww thanks ! You're so sweet !


GUYs...please help me... There's this book n Wattpad ..I don't remeber its name or author all I remember is the story and characters.
          There is a major hieght difference between the main characters , their names are Luke and Aubery .  Luke is a really good football player and has 2 friends called ELijah and ryan....Aubery is the new girl  and they kinda clash at first? then  they are really cte and nice...I wanna read it if any of you know which book I am talking about  then please tell me...I'm dying out of curiosity.


HEY GUYSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
          I AM NOT DEAD......
          Now, with that outta the way, I am happy to announce that I have improved my writing skills alot. 
          And with that improvement came a lot of confidence...
          Currently I am working on a new book....
          I have amazing ideas for this one and may be i'll drop it around mid october when i have a considerable amount of chapters written.
          LOVE ,
          By the way, You look nice today, probaby will look nicer with that gorgeos smile  ;) <3



I am taking down Kim-Min family to edit it and because I can't find it in my self to finish it as it is because let's be real, that book is a mess. So, I will finish it first then post it. The other two however will still be ther with the occasional updates , i don't think i will beuodating the hp one as much but still with my  job,  Sat and school I will hardly find any time to do so.


Hii! I was wondering if you would read my book Always and give your opinions on it? Tysm
          Have a great day


@Nimbus_firebolt  sure dear, I am sorry for the delay, I was tangled between work and school