
You will be pleased to know that Aluska and Ankita finally get it together. The latest chapter is out now.


Hey!!!1 Long time, no hear? How are you doing? I need a vacation, I really do. Work is -beyond mad. Have you been on any more boat trips? 
          BTW - Fancy checking out the Adventure community? Some of your stories might qualify... XD Take care, Lina *hopsoff*


@fewtr57 Write a reply...How I envy you... But you do exactly the right thing. See the world. Pensioners are the busiest people I know and it's good! 
            Cheers, Lina


@linahanson We have been doing lots of traveling, and yes lots of boat trips, Last month the pacific islands, This months around Australia. Next month New Guinea. January we are off to Africa via India. Currently in Brisbane. Have not had time to write or read for that matter. I will definitely check out the Adventure  Community when I get some time. Retirement can be exhausting. God knows how I ever found time to work.  Enjoy your vacation.


Hi Ross,
          I don't know whether it's your account or mine but you mentioned that your comments disappeared on Solitude.  I've just had trouble posting a reply to you ( and I think it's been a problem in the past).  I wonder whether you need to log a query with Wattpad.  I know I'm going to regarding my account.


Archery and I can sort of understand. Running around Sherwood Forest in green tights, not so much. But bouldering? I had to look that one up. What on earth would possess a sane man to climb on rocks if he didn't have to.  Could be 36 years of military in me that says "If you don't need to, don't!" lol Anyway my philosophy is only write when you have the urge. If you force yourself it just won't be right. Never bow to peer pressure. But if you follow that advice from people like you then you are in fact bowing to peer pressure.


@fewtr57 Write a reply...
            I know what you are saying.  I recently took up bouldering and archery (not at the same time) and what with work / family commitments, writing just when into the back seat under a pile of winter coats.
            I'm dusting it off now and getting down to some graft.


@wizzobravo  Now that I am back in Australia things seem to be working OK. So like most Aussies would do, I will just let it slide until it becomes a real problem.
            Good to see you are back working on Cutthroats. I have been home a fortnight and have not even looked at my stories. Life is just getting in the way.


Hi guys, I got sick of packing this afternoon so I wrote a short story to take my mind off what I have to take to Asia.  Which reminds me, I may be a little quite for a couple of months.  I hope you don't forget me and I hope you enjoy the short story.


Hello again, 
          The free app I mentioned that works well to add text to an image is called 'Phonto' for iPad. I have powerful photo editing programs for PC and Mac (Adobe and Aperture), and use the free Picasa app for covers, but none add the text as crisply as Phonto I find. It's worth a try, though I don't if a computer version exists, or if it's tablet only.
          You'll notice a slew of votes for "Caveman Executive" from me, but as of yet no comments. I had a little time to read yesterday, so I zipped through several chapters. Very enjoyable, the dual storylines have me hooked. I decided to try out this method of reading it all, then commenting after I get a feel for the story (and some evenings my aching wrist needs a rest!). I shall comment as I always do, never fear...


@Cinilla Thanks for that. I appreciate the votes though I doubt the story will make the best seller lists.


Hello to all my lovely followers.
          I just wanted to tell you I have just released the first chapter in my new book.  It is called "Mammoth Woman."
          No prizes for guessing it is a spin off or sequel to Caveman Executive which I have pensioned off.  If there is a large enough cry for more of the Exec then I will bring him back.
          Anyway I hope you enjoy Mammoth Woman.