
Happy new month friends...:)


Thanks so much for the heartfelt follow! ❤❤❤❤


@ferteemerhlima LOL... aw don't be like that missy... I know u love my disease


@AnonymouslySmug I don't wanna be, don't stick the anonymous disease onto me..lol


@ferteemerhlima awe manhhh I feel like hugging u right now for such sweet words... thanks alot buddy


Spare a second for me would you! 
          Have you ever read of a love triangle so twisted, that the villan becomes determined to bring the two lovers he separated back together? 
          Or have you heard of a devil that goes into war with a mother of a girl he desperately needs her blood.? 
          *check them out will you, right at your finger tips*.. :) 
          Are you following me? 
          Are you a writer or reader?.. Do you need any help with your book?  Maybe a good read and votes. Then PC me, would you?. 


Hello there! 
          To anyone reading this, I want to say a big thank you to you for following me, if you have gotten the chance to read my book then am very grateful if you haven't then please do check them out. 
          Love imperfection: is a romantic love triangle novel. 
          You!  In a mirror: is about a demon who would stop at nothing to wake his sleeping wife through meghans blood. 
          And my ongoing one :when you can't say no as a black girl. 