
Aaaaaaaah...... College Board is tomorrow at 8am and I can't sleep lmao. Welp, I can always take it next year if it goes too bad.‍♀️
          	Man I'm drained✌


I practically had a cognitive, behavioral and emotional meltdown, and mentally regressed. So you can guess who's binge watching the shows they used to see as a kid, like The Muppet Show, Sailor Moon, and Dungeons and Dragons, or blasting Elephants by Rachel Yamagata and Jessica by Regina Spektor and rereading Veronika Decide Morir. My brain malfunctioned because I procrastinated lots of things I needed closure with. Legit, stuff from 3 years ago, toxic stuff. I'm dumb, and I accept it. But.... I've regressed to a pretty bad point, if I go past certain things in my life, chances are I'll probably start crying. It stinks, cuz I don't wanna breakdown every time I curse, or make a dirty joke. Like, 75% of my personality is a trigger at the moment, so I'm getting by with a 15% of my personality that I just don't want ppl to see, cuz it's lots of emotional, calm things that would make my friends think I'm a boring person(that 10% doesn't exist, it's just me reflecting how you treat me or how you act in general). I don't want soapy romances, I want the person to be there, I'm scared of everything and everyone, I'm selfless, I want to talk to relatives I haven't seen in months, I want to see the church ladies and listen to them talk about their grandchildren(even if I'm not Christian anymore, they have always been so so kind to me, I miss them, they're like aunts), I want to get time to read about animals, be able to read Percy Jackson for the first time, again. I want to paint tie dye shirts, and walk bare food in my backyard. I want mom to braid my hair. So many things I'm trying to get closure with. So I apologize if I'm not as active in the comments, or if I sound unenthusiastic in the DMs.
          On other news, I made a yarn octopus, and she's very cute. She's now my emotional support, and mom hates it. Apparently, I have enough stuffed animals. I'm still gonna make myself a knitted shark, tho.


After shitty relationships made me reach rock bottom multiple times, I decided to loose my abs and actually gained later some weight I was unhappy with, ditched my gothic Englishwoman aesthetic (embarassing fase, I'll say, I'm sticking to hoodies and boots) and cut my waist long hair, it's really ratty, frizzy, and dry (that's the magic of multiple times dying it, Imma paint it pink now). I'm flat, and I look like guy. My love life is dead, thanks to my cheating boyfriend I realized I should stear clear of romance. But in quarantine I've gotten ok with it. I've practiced my tarot readings and catched up on my grimoire. I'm actually ok now, ok with most of it. I have no idea how this is relevant, I just wanted to share it. I wanted to share how I'm a little less anxious, a little happier,  and a little more peaceful. Hope you all are safe, and healthy✌


@fern_the_green_witch same for you man! If you ever need anything, were here!


I need help getting rid of a negative entity. I noticed one entered my living space earlier today, and they keep on bothering me too.


@callmehana_ko depending on the entity, the procedure is determined. I'd suggest you first find out what it is before you decide to cast a spell or anything. There aretwo very generic, good resulting methods: putting a bell on your doorknob or putting salt on your window sills(I prefer black salt, for this method but you do you). If it's fae, hide shiny objects from the light. If it persists, there is probably a child in the house (likely 5yo or less) or one on the way. If it is an anima (or ghost), you should do meditative work. Breathe slowly, and use your third eye to identify the aura or vibration bothering you. Try to come to and agreement, as the reason why they are there can have a wide range. If it is a deity, they have a reason to be there. Again meditate, and hear them out. The negative feeling can be due to them bearing bad news they want to warn you about or it can be due to their nature. Discord, death, war, and the possibility of a grim fate have that effect on people. If it is an imp or higher rank, again the reason as to why they decude to pester you varies. You may need an exorcism or simply apologize to them (I talk from experience). I hope this was of use, blessings 


Hello fellow witch this is a baby witch speaking! What is the best crystal to help cleanse of unwanted entities


Thank you for the advice


@that_hot_babe_mwa depends, cuz clear quartz is good for any purpose. But you could also use carnelian, selenite, or black tourmaline. When dealing with entities, deities, or other beings I prefer black salt, tho. Or fern ashes (tho that's cuz that's my witch name and I have a strong connection with the plant) I hope this helps in some way. I could also suggest that you try to come to good terms with said presence, leave maybe an offering or try to contact it through astral voyage (if you're inexperienced with it don't do it tho, it's hard enough for people who don't practice it often, if you're dealing with an outside energy, things could get complicated. I'm just giving it as an option if it is safe for you to do it). You can also try negotiating through meditation as it is a bit safer and easier, but it's not 100% that your energy will find it in the room, you should try it alone. But still, do be careful as the entities are energy and it can affect your frequency if managed wrong. Best wishes for the outcome