
Hi, I wanted to ask you if I could translate your story "Emptiness" into French ?


@The_FELIX_Fangirl143 sure I have no problem. Just let me know if you need any more details about the story, or if there is anything that you didn't understand.


Kpop is a nice way of entertainment, and while at it fans tend to make a lot ships.
          Among one of many is lixhyun, there are pretty less accounts designed to entertain people and their interests with Dom Felix. 
          While all that I found your account. Seriously I'm sure, though there isn't much hype now soon, your books will become famous if you are going to make more authentic pieces like this story, I have fallen in love with.
          I really appreciate your work and skills of making on point chapters well wishes for you to compete what comes ahead. Love your book.


@Rose_Marry_678 I'll be there to lift your spirit anytime you write so don't even think of the lonely time, because you can't be lonely after we meet.


@Rose_Marry_678 I honestly wanted to do a hyunjin book with different behaviours for so long. Like somewhat matching to their real self. So I'm really glad there are people who have the same preference. Thank you for you know? lifting my spirits up to write other books 