
Hello, all! I wanted to wish you all a wonderful New Years! Do any of you have any plans for tonight? Any fun tradiotions? For me, personally, I don't know if I'll even make it to midnight lol.


Hello all! I am happy to announce that I just published the Prologue of my new book: ‘Her Broken Wolf’! Please check it out and leave a comment letting me know what you think! Your input is very important to me.


While I figure out what direction I would like to go in for a new book, any fanfic suggestions? Preferably, Percy Jackson, The Mortal Instruments, or the Shannara Chronicles. Once again, thank you for your patience and continued support.


Hey all! I promise I am still alive. Summer break was crazy. I am happy to announce that I still continue to be a a Taekwondo national champion here in the States! This makes me a two-time national champion! Moving onto some other updates, while I haven’t been active on here that much, I have been very active on Pinterest. If you wish to keep up with me on there, my username is RG-407. I am trying to use that platform as well as this one to help promote my writing and spread important messages. If you wish to know more about me and some of my interests, I highly recommend checking out my Pinterest. I will try to keep all of you posted on here as well, but I am still working on trying to figure out a new story idea. Thank all of you for your continued support and I deeply appreciate all of you!


Added note: you can also see what I look like irl on Pinterest.


Hello, all! I know it has been a while since I last mentioned my writing, but I am currently trying to think of good topics to write about. I am really into fantasy and supernatural topics. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know as your input is very important to me.


@super_potato354 I’ve never heard of them. I’ll have to do some research.