
@GlowingFairyLights thanks so much! 


GUYSSSSS!!!!! I REACHED 100 FOLLOWERS!!!! Holy what?! THIS IS SURREAL! Yeah, I get 100 is pretty small compared to like 10 thousand but, that's still awesome for me! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Just for that I think I'll try and update both books tonight, I even started working on the ending of my Sam Woolf Fanfic so let's see what I can do! BUT SERIOUSLY THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR WHATEVER REASON THAT MADE YOU FOLLOW ME!!! :) :) :)


One follower away from 100!!! Holy wow! Please, comment something I could improve on in wattpad so I can make it more worth your reasons of following the awkward person known as me. XP haha. But yeah, that's pretty epic to reach near 100!


Holy crap! How am I four people away from reaching 100 followers?!? I am ecstatic right now!!! If I can make it to 100 followers by the weekend, I will post a new chapter for both books (as manageably fast as possible) and have some sort of celebration..? Idk. You guys decide! I can make a one-shot or post something new. I have no clue but thank you to all who is following me! (Though I don't know what I did to deserve you guys!) Please congratulate yourselves for being amazing human beings (or unicorns, whatever you prefer.) :) :D