
Hey! First message ever! I have been seeing alot of hate post on my social media lately and I just wanted to tell you that bring others down does nothing for you and if you have a different opinion than another person don't hate on them for it. Respect everyone. We are all different and we should be praised for that. Also do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Don't post hates on social media and/ or don't respond by hating them if they to a hate post even if it's about you. Be Kind. You can speak out against people without bring them down. Some people are cruel but be the better person. 


Hey! First message ever! I have been seeing alot of hate post on my social media lately and I just wanted to tell you that bring others down does nothing for you and if you have a different opinion than another person don't hate on them for it. Respect everyone. We are all different and we should be praised for that. Also do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Don't post hates on social media and/ or don't respond by hating them if they to a hate post even if it's about you. Be Kind. You can speak out against people without bring them down. Some people are cruel but be the better person.