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it makes me cringe so hard when i look back on my old shit from 2017/2018, that time period was absolute hellfire


welp....just got done with 2ha about a week ago after finding the mtl (and lets just say i bawled my eyes out at chapter 279) 
          anyways, it’s about time i got back to sha po lang since i haven’t touched it at all in the past month.........oops


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oh fuck i just realized that if i am making book reviews I’ll have to write spoilers...but i don’t want to drive away the people that haven’t read it or want to read I’ll probably end up posting little summaries at the beginning with no spoilers and mark the section where spoilers begin :D


oooo, to the people that are actually on here, do you think i should make a book reviewing the Chinese danmei novels i have read so far? that would be quite interesting to look back on....


@softelixir awe, really? a lot of the novels i read are not very well known and nobody i know has ever heard of them at all. I would love to try and get others to enjoy the things I do! especially books.


@fanoson and yes :0
            ngl i wanna read da ones u always talk abt now O_O