
“Nightmare Obsession” chapter 1 has been altered, fix, and tweaked. Give it another try. Trust me its way better then before and you can understand what’s going on this time. I will be doing the same to the rest of the chapters then continuing the story. Thank you enjoy. -josh


“Nightmare Obsession” chapter 1 has been altered, fix, and tweaked. Give it another try. Trust me its way better then before and you can understand what’s going on this time. I will be doing the same to the rest of the chapters then continuing the story. Thank you enjoy. -josh


Taste of part 14 tythan :
          “”Tyler grabs his towel, and entered the shower forgetting to close the door; removing his clothes with his back facing the entrance, shirt then his jeans. Ethan can see everything that’s happening. Once Tyler reached for his boxer’s elastic band and lowered it down Ethan turned fast””