
I forgot to announce its phangirl again. I have left the group again, but me and tigerlilly are still good. I have my own account - Bookishgirl365, I said- please don't hate me I still love you all! ❤


Um so it's phangirl here. I have an announcement 
          I am leaving the account. 
          Tigerlilly was doing some things on the account which she never told me. She started talking to strangers and following these random people. To some of you it may be nice, but to me, it wasn't. This was a joined account where we were supposed to agree on things and do things together. And tigerlilly kind of broke that. 
          So yeah. I am leaving the account. If you'd like to follow me myself, my personal wattpad is Bookishgirl365. 
          Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you on my own account too! 


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Hello guys! It's phangirl here. I just want to talk to you about getting back on. Now we took a break because recently there was some drama between us, but we're good as new now. We will be updating Innocent Death and our new Zodiac Posts!