
well now I'm writing something completely different so bear with me


dear depression,
          I'm sorry that I just couldn't be a better person and live up to your standards. You stole everything from me, and I can never forget that. I second guess everything I do and think because of you. I feel like I'm drowning every single day, drowning in a pool of my own blood that no one else can see. You brought you friend anxiety along with you, about three months later. He tampered and twisted my words. He made me think I did everything wrong. I've never trusted ever since, and I probably never will. Insomnia started to tag along soon after him. My eyes became bloodshot, my bed uncomfortable. My grades dropped down to C's, and I just couldn't explain that you three were living inside my head, and inside my soul. Last came anorexia, who I had met once before. We went back too many years, with too many memories together. It was like I was dying four times a day, and I just couldn't stop. I couldn't put down the knife. I couldn't stop shaking with fear. I couldn't start sleeping again. I couldn't stop starving myself. I just couldn't stop putting a fake smile on my face and pretending that it was okay. 
          You see how this letter is written in past tense? Well that's where you're wrong. It's still happening, and I'm still dead inside.


this message may be offensive
@Hunter_The_Wolf_2005 yeah i understand completely ): it's complete shit but it'll get better. It did for me, and i used to think it would be like that forever. Surround yourself with people that make you happy, internet friends included. Just over the past month that i wrote that, it's gotten a bit better. I'm not saying it'll just leave right away, but it will go away, or most of it anyways((:


Wow someone understands what it's like for me I fell worthless I can't sleep I fell like I do everything wrong and nothing right I fell like no one likes me and none of my friends understand cause there not depressed there not insomniacs there not suicidal there not cutters there not wanting to die every minute of every day like I am I have to resort to friends I don't know (internet friends) you understand right?


“close the crate,
          seal the fate,
          remind and deflate,
          that's it. just great. 
          it's all in your head,
          just don't be dead,
          i see bloodshed,
          saying it's okay,
          straight on ahead.”


Good job on this poem I love it