
*      cb if this announces


*     and  here  lol 


oh another one  ..  there's plenty of you,  right  ?


@soulblighted,    it takes a lot to hurt my feelings,   don’t you worry   [ despite her natural stance,  tense and firm,   it seems to relax at the sound of low bellows from the sky above them.    only then does she avert her gaze from the almost    ..reptile like eyes set upon her to meet one of the rather large wings headed their way.   the ground almost shakes as her mount lands,   his crimson scales even more prominent in broad day light.   caraxes,   one of the older and by far bigger dragons amongst the others.   a valiant warrior who had earned his stripes in the plentiful of battles he had fought and won in his prime.   now?  he remained the loyal mount to nothing more than a brazen sixteen year old girl,  ]    he’s    ..a curious one,   doesn’t get out to stretch his wings out much anymore     —due to his size,  scaring the other dragons off and whatnot


there's always one of you,    but  ..    no hard feelings     ?       (      with his head tilted,     a sly smirk formed.     )     we all get lost..   at times.


@soulblighted      i don’t think it’s intentional    ..we just go where our dragons take us,   for the most part     —my case,  anyways


. . . merlin’s beard, another one ? 


━━ ☄︎: @falsewyrm
             mm, you’re one of the younger ones i see. . . ( the witch glanced up over her shoulder to see…a towering…red…dragon. she was quick to look back down afterwards. ) .  . . is this your other half…


@beartricks,     that’s great,   fantastic even.   i didn’t warrant this conversation,   you did.   so look at him if you must and carry on with your day,   yeah?


━━ ☄︎: @falsewyrm 
                it’s  hot  breath  is  a  little  hard  to  ignore. look  this  isn’t  the  first  dragon  i’ve  dealt  with  or  the  last. i’m  not  intimidated  by  either  of  you. i  might  be  more  interested  in  your  dragon  than  you. 


..   what are you doing up   ?


@lionswrath      everything,  nothing,  in the middle    ..who knows.   too much to keep track of


   ⠀ ⠀@falsewyrm,    ⠀right..   and what are you thinking about ?


@lionswrath       thinking,   i guess.   only time of the day i can actually sit down and process my thoughts


i’m on a diet


@kingsarc     no m names are involved.  think harder,   i’d say she’s considered a good friend of you two


   ᅠ* ⠀@falsewyrm,      if it’s meredith i’m going to kill myself 


@kingsarc      nope.   were you not listening when he said he was using her to keep you off his relationship tracks.    i won’t tell you,   but think    ..closer than marsha


baby, i love you but i /really/ don’t want to talk about it 


@brutemane   [  she nods,  making herself comfortable in her spot along his bed.   she didn’t believe it,  not one bit yet she wasn’t going to press.   she didn’t come to force his feelings out of him,  she wasn’t like that.  he never reacted best when it came to his feelings or talking through things  so she was hoping at least her company would be enough.   once he seemed to get comfortable against her shoulder,  her head moved to rest against his as one of her hands found his and intertwined their fingers together,  ]    it was    ..okay,   took a nasty hit on the field    —but other than i’m glad i’m here     ..with you


   . ⠀@falsewyrm,    ⠀i’m ──  yeah. yeah, i’m good. i’m great.   [ he wasn’t, but he felt a little better than he was before. far better to now move from his huddled in a corner spot to take his place next to her and rest his head against her shoulder,     planting a kiss there as he did.  he was still buzzing with his anger and didn’t want to talk to anyone else,      but for kyra he could spare a few sentences]      .. how was your day? 


@brutemane      that’s    ..okay,   we don’t have to talk about it    —i just want to know if you’re okay 


don’t..  just don’t. I have a headache 


   . ⠀@falsewyrm,    ⠀[as the list went on, he lowers his head just enough to hide that growing smile.   he bumped heads the most with kyra.. but they did share some moments where she was oddly kind to him, which was a rare occasion and made the young king certain that he will never see this side of her again unless he was bleeding out and dying next time. his brows rose when she got to the candle candies and a hint of a laugh was made]  well,  if i am meant to exercise my role as king..  i’ll make my first pardon for your thievery of.. candle candies.     mango,   like sansa  (…) but— thank you 


this message may be offensive
@kingsarc    an assortment of snacks,   depending on whatever mood you’re in for when you eventually get an appetite   [  she wasn’t an idiot,   she knew that while he wouldn’t be hungry now,  that urge of hunger would definitely hit    ..so instead of him going to search for them around the school,   why not bring them to him?  ]    we got some    ..chips?  if you’re in a salty mood,   some sour candies too.  i also managed to ste   —/borrow/ some candle candies from some second year bears    ..i didn’t know which ones you liked the most,  so i brought a few of each flavor i could get my hands on.  also brought you some drinks too   —water,  soda,  and juice    —gotta keep the electrolytes and blood sugar up,  y’know?   so you feel like less shit later on  [ she rummaged through her spare backpack,  which she used to pack the abundance of snacks and drinks.   carefully setting it down on his mattress,  she then took a step back.   shooting him an almost awkward smile,   it faded as quickly as it showed up,   ]   there’s also some tylenol and motrin    — common world pain relievers,   they work like wonders and it saves you an unwanted trip to the mesyrs


 ♱̼ . ⠀@falsewyrm,    ⠀[contrary to popular belief..  he didn’t have the appetite.  but this was rare for kyra to do. therefore, he sits up, groaning at the pounding sensation around his head and the soreness of his arm]      what sort of snacks ..  


i’d give him a minute, 


@roariest     first off,   he said this  /earlier/  before whatever the hell went down and i’m only just getting here.  second,  i don’t need the attitude that came along with your sentence.   but what    .. even happened this time?  if you know


 ♱̼ . ⠀@falsewyrm,    ⠀he doesn’t want anyone to swing by, kyra. why do you think we’re all in the common room?     just give him an hour to collect himself 


@roariest     i know,    he still wanted me to swing by so     ..i’ll be cautious 