
5k reads is unbelievable and its all thanks to you. 
          	Younger me is screaming, present me has an exam to prepare for and wants to sleep even though I just woke up. But seriously THANK YOU. 
          	Hopefully I'll provide more content soon... I hope. 


5k reads is unbelievable and its all thanks to you. 
          Younger me is screaming, present me has an exam to prepare for and wants to sleep even though I just woke up. But seriously THANK YOU. 
          Hopefully I'll provide more content soon... I hope. 


Gated Hearts is going to be getting more updates cause I seem to only know how to write under the pressure of finals.
          Also, thank you from the bottom of my heart for nearly 4k!??!??!!!(WTH?!) reads on The Fallout, it makes me so happy to know ppl are adding it to their reading lists and some are even reading it. TYTY<3


One thousand reads, that’s still unbelievable to me. Thank you all so so much, you don’t understand how happy this makes me<3
          I was planning on posting the epilogue to the fallout as a little thank you but I just wasn’t in the mood to write and I wasn’t about to force it out so I’ll see when I can come up w it & post it. 


hi u guys, ik I’ve been a little inactive lately and I’m sorry to say that this will probably continue for the next few weeks since finals is approaching. I might drop a few updates here and there whenever inspo and motivation strikes but for the most part I’ll be inactive. Tysm for ur continuous support.
