
What’s up everybody! Lonnggggg time no see! Lol but I finally after all these years finish my story! I randomly had time today ‍♀️ So listen if you’ve enjoyed go like and comment on my final chapter and let me know what you think. Even if you hated it. I still love you always for reading it! Byeeee  


What’s up everybody! Lonnggggg time no see! Lol but I finally after all these years finish my story! I randomly had time today ‍♀️ So listen if you’ve enjoyed go like and comment on my final chapter and let me know what you think. Even if you hated it. I still love you always for reading it! Byeeee  


Hey guys! I'm back. Long time no see. I know I've been missing for a very long time. Things happen in life, but I just want to let everyone Know that I put up a new chapter. I hope that its not a disappoint. Expect another chapter this weekend. Thanks for being patient, and awesome.


So I suck at life! I should have finished my latest book a long time ago, but I'm going to finish I promise, but to make it worse I've been having some problems with my computer so I need to get it fixed first guys! Thanks to everyone who still supports me 


My boss decided that he wanted to schedule me everyday of the freaking week, when I decided I was going to start writing again... So yes I am writing it's just taking me some time because I work long night shifts (which sucks by the way) but expect an update!


Im really sorry to everyone that wanted me to continue but good new I'm back to writing and will continue I hope you guys continue to read my stories and keep up with me as an apology I will post 2 chapters a week thanks I love you and let me know what you think!