
21/11/19 (2)
          	I hope I will be more outgoing and I hope I will step out of my comfort zone as much as I've been doing lately, I hope I will figure things out (just a bit, too much can be dangerous), I hope I will get scared, happy, surprised, lonely. I hope I will never lose the energy that I feel keeps me going every day, the passion and curiosity of a child who is eager to discover new things and see new places. I hope I will find books and words and sentences that will change me from inside out, I hope I will be inspired and live by them. I hope I will create my own way of living, my completely independent, crazy, hectic, reckless way of living. I hope I will meet new people and listen to their stories, I hope I will become new people myself throughout my life.
          	I hope I will be able to look back, at an old age, and not regret the majority of the decisions that I took, the things I said and the people and stuff I decided to fill my time with. And I hope that, even then, I won't feel as if it were the end of my life but just a new beginning, waiting to be explored. 


21/11/19 (2)
          I hope I will be more outgoing and I hope I will step out of my comfort zone as much as I've been doing lately, I hope I will figure things out (just a bit, too much can be dangerous), I hope I will get scared, happy, surprised, lonely. I hope I will never lose the energy that I feel keeps me going every day, the passion and curiosity of a child who is eager to discover new things and see new places. I hope I will find books and words and sentences that will change me from inside out, I hope I will be inspired and live by them. I hope I will create my own way of living, my completely independent, crazy, hectic, reckless way of living. I hope I will meet new people and listen to their stories, I hope I will become new people myself throughout my life.
          I hope I will be able to look back, at an old age, and not regret the majority of the decisions that I took, the things I said and the people and stuff I decided to fill my time with. And I hope that, even then, I won't feel as if it were the end of my life but just a new beginning, waiting to be explored. 


21/11/19 (1)
          Some days I feel like I still need to get there. I still need to reach the point of it all, the purpose, the apex where I suddenly realize how far I've come and how good my life is. How it couldn't get better. How I couldn't get better.
          Other days, instead, I'm more of a realistic person and I quietly accept the fact that I will never get there, and that that's fine too, because I think that, if I really did get there, I'd get bored of it right away.
          But I do want to get better. I want to live, enjoy, read, study, play, experience, travel, listen, learn, I want to do so much and there's never enough time! For the first time in my life after a fairly long time I feel like I know what I want to do and I know I will work hard until I get it. I know it's only the beginning. I know it'll get difficult, even though I have no idea of how difficult. But I have a plan, and changes and mishappenings and terrible things will happen, so I hope I will always find my way back to the right path - or I hope I will find a new path, if I ever realize the old one wasn't actually meant for me.


Anyone : "Say those three words"
          Me (an intellectual) : "American Horror Story" 


@f0lc0_ è una mia perla di saggezza 


@neferdonnet  lmao non so dove tu l'abbia visto però sì, piena ragione


Ti guardo e capisco finalmente perché quando si é giovani ci si ritrova alla costante ricerca di un po' di calore mentre, da anziani, ci si rinfresca regolarmente le gambe con dell'acqua gelata con una devozione straordinaria, impeccabile, poiché é l'unico sollievo che rimane ancora, o forse si sente il bisogno di sbollentare un po' tutta quella calura che é andata ad accumularsi con il passare degli anni.