
can y’all not be inactive 


It’s a year later but .. hi


it makes me truly and utterly sad that i haven't been active on here. i know a lot of people don't really know me nor want to but there were a few who genuinely loved my writing. i apologize for not being here for you guys or writing or even messaging you guys to say hello and ask how you're doing. im glad to say im working on a new original story but i won't release it until i finish majority of it and have the whole story planned out. i may not be active on here but trust me, im reading your guys stories and making sure you're okay. i just never come around to talk to you and im really angry at myself for it. keep a look out for my new book, maybe soon ill actually have the energy to write the first chapter.  but just know it's in the works and that i sincerely miss you guys, soon I'll be able to be active and spend some time on my writing. 
          xoxo mel 


guys, please please please understand that if you put suicidal pictures as your profile picture or background picture, it does trigger people. please don't do that and talk to a friend.


@fiftyshadesoftwd RIGHT ! legit i hate when people want help and all this other stuff and people TRY to help them and they refuse it. like, if you don't want help than take down your page so that clean people don't get triggered. if you're not gonna help yourself then help others :)


seriously, im looking through my favorite authors accounts for people to follow and this one girl shows up and her profile pic is suicidal content [ majorly ] and the background photo was utensils and pills and all that junk. to be quite honest it made me worry for her health. but only she can really help herself I guess but I'd rather her not post it online for actual clean people to see and get those thoughts again. @fiftyshadesoftwd