
Im going to take a break but expect a next chapter in the holiday but I'm not certain


Thanks for the follow! Well appriciated and glad you're enjoying the books.


@kobakkc113 Hey Friend I enjoyed your Cyberpunk and now Jurassic Park book and guess what I'm fan of both series. I like your writing skill paying close attention to details that arent bothered by other writers. I would like to see this more Johnny OC kinda guy of cyberpunk more what's gonna happen with Maine's crew you leave on a cliffhanger friend


Soejammy: Thanks for the follow! ^_^
          Neptune: Enjoy some pudding! ^_^ *gives you pudding*
          Mini-Nep: Nep nep! *waves at you happily*


@Soejammy alright thanks for the advice good luck on you writing


            Hmm… Writing advice and tips… Plan out the story you want. Visualize it. Picture yourself there watching the characters as if you’re right there with them. If you don’t know the series or characters, research them. Get as much detail as possible, backstories, histories, facts. Use pictures if you need to tell a scene or describe the are as best you can. The readers are not going to know what the area looks like. Not unless you detail the area, or use a picture as a reference. Keep the story consistent. Don’t leave plot holes. But if you want to build up a tension behind an idea and make people wonder, keep it hidden, but then show it down the line. If the story you want to go off by is from a show or video game, if there is a video of it, you can gain research from that. A story can be bent and twisted into another version, but has to make sense. A sequel of what happens afterwards, a different story with added characters, you call the shots.
            But one important thing to learn, is to have FUN with it. Don’t write a story because you want to become popular. Write the story because YOU want to share it. It can be nerve wracking in trying to find inspiration. But if you keep to a good pace, never rush to meet deadlines and fill that story with all your love, people will feel the emotions behind it. Stories are driven with emotions too. Characters that get angry make others angry. Sad moments make people sad when there was a connection. Connect your story to your readers and make them feel emotions for a story. Fill the book you wish to make with all your love behind it. Because as long as you enjoy your ideas, no one can ever take that away from you. Ever.


@Soejammy ain't that the truth nice to hear from the author of Persona 5. Got any writing advice or tip?


Fun fact: I'm currently cooking up a book, where a private military contractor joins team rainbow in rainbow six siege. Where he has to fight against an out of control underground terrorist group which has taken a foothold in the US. The group is mostly founded on veterans from the various branches of the US military. And leaded by a former US army sergeant. The group is also funded by some secretly fascist politicians in the plans that they will take over America slowly by ruining the peoples trust and faith in the government. And then install a fascist dictatorship using the leader of the terrorist group.


@-the-courier- as if the US government isn't as bad as it is demonstrated in Iraq 2003 well good luck with your book but be sure to research the different units you going to use etc. The only group that is close and have been connected to the executive, judicial, and legislative of the United States is the CIA and federal reserve.
            Try Kaissereich and you get a 2nd civil war


@-the-courier- I took alot of inspiration from the business plot against fdr.


Thanks for the follow. If you don't mind me asking, which of my stories for you to follow?


@eversince2022 Got it. In that case, the betrayal arc will absolutely be included. Bit of bonus trivia, this story got its start as a short story for creative writing class. That story takes place during that arc. This whole story you see is really me just trying to get to that point. I appreciate the support. Cheers, friend.


@AgentNewMexico As a man who is interest in US culture especially after watching forrest gump. Louisiana likes to cook and i like to eat plus i cant wait to hear him one day say, "Run Freddie Run!" Or "Momma told me the final frontier is space and im a star."
            The betrayal arc is when all break let loose which is before blood gulch and breakup of freelancer.
            Other then that i wish you luck in you stories and the words from a space cowboy
            "Yippe Ki Yay motherfuckers!"


@eversince2022 Well thank you so much. That makes me incredibly happy to hear. You're actually the first person who's mentioned Louisiana at all, and the first who's said they enjoy him to boot. You'll have to remind me of what the betrayal arc is, but Blood Gulch will eventually be reached. Please feel free to leave feedback on the story itself as well. I always love seeing what my readers have to say. Your comment made my morning.


@raidenayyy what up man!


@eversince2022 / there’s no rush, you can take your time anyway 