
also chloe x halle keep outdoing themselves every time they perform. i am so ready for tipsy’s live version & catch up (hopefully)


this message may be offensive
firstly, BLACK LIVES FUCKING MATTER. secondly, FUCK COPS. ACAB, cops either they are racist and abuse the system or they watch others do it without stopping it. they are complicit in the suffering of many Black souls that were murdered and arrested and harmed. people have the right to protest and seek justice and let their voices be heard. black people deserve life. we should not have to be extraordinary to live. ALL black lives matter. thirdly, don’t let Breonna Taylor and many other black women and children go unheard. we matter. all of us blacks matter. if you are not Black DO NOT talk over or silence our voices. Here’s a link to help:


im so confused??? what’s happening to Wattpad? Is others message board messages showing up as mine ??


you’re welcome! 


@maliabitesthings oh okay. thank you for telling me. Wattpad is always glitching! & So I’ve turned it off. Thank you again!


it’s a new update. when you turn on “notify your followers” before you post a message, the message pops up in their notifs 