
Wow.. i dont even knew my comment abt funny scene can make the author think that i hate their ff.. hmm  i never leave negative comment, i only commenting when the scene attract me or i feel its funny.. but somehow never thought its make them think i hate it.. its seriously make me scared to comment in any ff. Anyway, for any ff i did comment before, i am very sorry if i hurt the author feeling with my comment. Never think of it, just supporting only. Please forgive me naa  


@Bishounenhow111 Aww.. i thought i have done something wrong.. its okay. Seems i am not doing anything wrong.. i am going to follow u back n all ur ff. Ur writing is good and interesting.. i feel sad u know to leave.. huhuhu.. but we are good now.. 


@eszdeath No harm done. I'm sorry too. For snapping at you. 