
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating my story “Lovers”. I decided that I’ll rewrite the story because I didn’t quite like few parts where I wrote and it would be way easier for me to rewrite than fix them. I can’t give an exact date when I’ll repost the chapters, but hopefully next weekend. 


Kanka keşkee Türkçe lerini de yazsaydın yada Türkçe lerini Türkçe çeviri olarak başka bir kitap şeklinde yazsaydın uğraşıylrum şimdi ss al çeviride tarat oku sonra ss ı sil fln ama hikaye çok İİ (;


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating my story “Lovers”. I decided that I’ll rewrite the story because I didn’t quite like few parts where I wrote and it would be way easier for me to rewrite than fix them. I can’t give an exact date when I’ll repost the chapters, but hopefully next weekend. 


Hey guys, I just wanted to inform that I won’t be updating my story “Lovers” for a while. I’m very sorry for that, but instead I will be writing some Pinkaan one-shots stories. The first story comes out tomorrow at 10pm in Turkish time.