
Hello! So I'm going to be rewriting Spirit: A New Beginning, because I just feel like Im taking too much from the original Lion King 1 and 2. I really want to make it my own, so I'm going to start this story basically from scratch. I have no idea how long it will take me. I don't have a lot of extra time on my hands, and I'm in need for some inspiration, so it will take a while. I'm excited about this new project, and I hope you are too! 


I know I have commented in this story asking this but please continue and update Aztec’s suffering


I will. I just haven’t had a lot of time lately, but I’ll try to get it out soon 


Hello! So I'm going to be rewriting Spirit: A New Beginning, because I just feel like Im taking too much from the original Lion King 1 and 2. I really want to make it my own, so I'm going to start this story basically from scratch. I have no idea how long it will take me. I don't have a lot of extra time on my hands, and I'm in need for some inspiration, so it will take a while. I'm excited about this new project, and I hope you are too! 


Hey guys! Yes I know, I have been totally non-existent! A lot has happened the past couple years, and I’ve totally lost motivation to write. I promise you I have not forgotten about it. Since I have a bit more free time now, I’m going to try to get back into the swing of things, starting with finishing “Aztec’s Suffering”. “Spirit: A New beginning” is going to be a lot of work, since I’m going to try and re-write the whole thing. I just feel like I’m taking way too much out of Lion King 2. I’m going to need a different plot, so it’s going to take time. Thank you all for your patience, and please keep reading! 


I’m not sure if you s till do much with this page but if you do do could you add more to your spirit story I really enjoy it and would like to see what happens next


Oh great I’m glad to hear it I thought maybe you were done for good 


I’m actually working on new chapters, so stay tuned! 


Oml another Coconuter!!  Also your fanfict was amazing!!! Plus if you have insta you can find me @ima_coconuter_ 


@duchessgamer Thank you sooo much! You're stories are awesome as well. I'm in school right now and I have practice, but when I get home, I'll definitely follow you on insta :)