
Just wondering if the kings mentality is still going on?
          I rlly do like it. but if you don't feel like remaking it no worries 


@-N1ghtN1ght- Oh okay!
            Ill be excited to see it 


@-N1ghtN1ght- The Kings Mentality will be remade, and that is a fact. The problem is that I'm currently working on another fanfic that is still not complete yet, and I told myself that I wouldn't start on another fanfic until I at least got close to finishing the one I'm working on now so that I don't have to think about different ideas for two different fanfics at once. So to answer your question: I will be remaking the story of The Kings Mentality. It will have a different title, and a different approach, but because of the story I'm working on now, it probably won't be coming out for a long time. I hope that answers your question, and I hope you have a good rest of your day. :)


@Bamiranx I think you're talking about The Kings Mentality specifically. So to answer your question, the story was discontinued. The reason why is because when I wrote it I didn't have a real plan for it. Just go along as we go. But I feel like there were moments where characters acted out of character, (mainly John) so I decided to stop writing it.
          I think I mentioned in the last chapter that I'm going to remake this story, and I am going to eventually. The problem is that I'm working on another story that will probably be a long time before it's finished, and I already told myself that I wasn't going to do multiple stories at once.
          So to answer your question. If you're talking about just posting anything in general, then I'm not sure when I'll be posting again. If you're talking about The Kings Mentality, then I won't be posting anymore chapters.


i just saw an update saying that chapter 4 of kings mentality was out but when i pressed on it it wasnt there bro is this a prank 


ohhhh okok tyty for the explanation i thought my app was broken lol. I cant wait for the next chapter im on the edge of my seat! 


@asterial_ Okay, okay me explain. I accidentally pushed the publish button when the chapter wasn't finished. Then I quickly unpublished it. As of right now, the chapter is still not finished. I apologize for this. I will publish the chapter when it is ready. I hope this clears it up for you. :)