
What do you guys do aside from reading fanfics and watching anime? (I stare at the wall half the time, listen to music and sometimes fight with my siblings lol)


I play games then look for fanfics about the pair I ship in those games, I do a lot of maladaptive daydreaming, scroll on TikTok and twitter, dream about losing weight, just waste time a lot :(


What do you guys do aside from reading fanfics and watching anime? (I stare at the wall half the time, listen to music and sometimes fight with my siblings lol)


I play games then look for fanfics about the pair I ship in those games, I do a lot of maladaptive daydreaming, scroll on TikTok and twitter, dream about losing weight, just waste time a lot :(


Um, so, most of my fav fanfic authors on wattpad are inactive... I can't find anything new to read (high quality fanfics) i realized i have literally nothing to do other than reading fics, no hobbies no talents... I'm absolutely usless lmao and life is getting boring, I wish some force bring them back idk where they go or maybe they moved to another platform and they stopped writing on here?? (T^T)



You guys, I think Sal needs to be cheered up. I was thinking sending memes but then I remembered we don't have any of her contacts, so yeah let's just spam her PM. :D


@gothic_ami sinful by bitchytimetraveler, aslo sorry for late reply