
Just a quick update, I am a person and I have a life outside of Wattpad. I don't have time to check Wattpad being a sophomore in college. I've lost interest in the MPHFPC fandom years ago and I have no idea if I have interest in continuing the stories I had written for them. I came on here today because I had totally forgot that I had Bound for Crime in my drafts and I published all 13 chapters. When I do have time to write I write on tumblr with stories of Rick Flag, Takeshi Kovacs, and Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker. I rarely even come on Wattpad anymore and for that I'm really sorry. I published Bound for Crime as a way to interest you all to check out my tumblr page where I'm far more active. Again, I'm sorry and if you are interested, my tumblr is fairchildflag. That is all, thank you all for supporting me for so long. Peace out <33


Just a quick update, I am a person and I have a life outside of Wattpad. I don't have time to check Wattpad being a sophomore in college. I've lost interest in the MPHFPC fandom years ago and I have no idea if I have interest in continuing the stories I had written for them. I came on here today because I had totally forgot that I had Bound for Crime in my drafts and I published all 13 chapters. When I do have time to write I write on tumblr with stories of Rick Flag, Takeshi Kovacs, and Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker. I rarely even come on Wattpad anymore and for that I'm really sorry. I published Bound for Crime as a way to interest you all to check out my tumblr page where I'm far more active. Again, I'm sorry and if you are interested, my tumblr is fairchildflag. That is all, thank you all for supporting me for so long. Peace out <33


Just a quick question while I have stories in progress. What do you guys think of me extending beyond the MPHFPC universe and publish a story entirely out of the fandom? I’ve developed an unhealthy obsession with this one character from the DC universe and I’ve written chapters for a story for them but have only published it on one platform. Would that be something you’re interested in? I’m currently on the third chapter of that story involving the character but I’m also almost done with the next chapter of Sage and Sound now that I’m having a lot of free time since I finished a college course. Pls just let me know I’d really appreciate it! (And for those that are curious on the character, it’s Rick Flag from the suicide squad movies which btw him in the cowboy hat >>>) okay imma go now peace out <3


@mywifewanda yes, my bad. i had the entire story typed up in my drafts but never published it. here it is! https://www.wattpad.com/1142789268-bound-for-crime-rick-flag-x-reader-chapter-one/page/5


Are you still writing it?I also have an unhealthy obsession with Rick Flag and would love to read it


@enolivesheart do what makes you happy, even if we haven’t seen the movies, will still read them, because I love your writing


I hate promising stuff to you guys because I somehow always break them :( 
          College is being a pain because it keeps asking for forms to stay enrolled and I don't have those type of forms so my focus right now is getting something submitted without the college emailing me back saying everything I submit is "incorrect" and causing me a bunch of stress. Also I'm kinda head over heels with this one guy who legit is treating me like a damn queen and we're only in the friends stage so excuse me while I scream in my pillow. 
          Anywho, I am going to try my best to finish up the 12 page oneshot I have in my drafts right now and hopefully post it so then I can finish up the next chapter of Safe and Sound: Secrets Untold. But I won't promise a certain date on when it will be published as I tend to put my attention elsewhere due to my ADHD lol. Anyways I'm off to write and if it's not published today (or in a few hours) then expect it within the week or so.


@Bellatrixremus Thank you for understanding!! :D


@enolivesheart yep, you can take your time, I don’t mind as I’m still in school and I would think that college is WAY harder than school. So please talk all the time you need


I apologize for the wait, college has been a drag and I've had the one shot in my documents for weeks. It's almost done, I plan to finish it before I have to go to an event later tonight and then hopefully revise and edit it tomorrow before publishing but I don't know for certain because I tend to get distracted. Just hang in there! Right now the one shot is 12 pages long so it'll give you something to read until I finish the next chapter of Safe and Sound: Secrets Untold


@enolivesheart can’t wait for it, but take all the time you need!!


I am currently in the process of starting up my one-shot book, I already have the first one-shot being written as I found some time after my communications class for college and I want to get the one-shot book started before I finish writing the next chapter to Safe and Sound: Secrets Untold. Just thought I would let you all know!


I don't even know if ya'll are seeing these announcements but oh well. In my previous announcement I said that the next chapter would be up in a few weeks, but since I published the rewritten first chapter, I have been hit with a massive amount of motivation and inspiration to write. The new second chapter is a completely different version than the old chapter two. I have been reading the MPHFPC books within those three years I was MIA and I'm waiting for the last book to arrive in the mail, but I am incorporating most of the book (Such as the Ymbryne Council and possibly the pantloopticon) so the sequel is gonna be a mix of my own + the books and right now I have a total of 1,663 words written so instead of weeks, the next chapter will be released either today or tomorrow.