
Ruff ruff mother fuckers guff with me if you ain't a puss !!


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Life has no meaning.. No one understands how I feel in this world Ik that but just the thought of no one remembering who I was or what its like for me just shows all of this.... Is broken I'm broken everyone in a way is. The ppl I trust I get attached to and if they leave I shatter and slowly peice myself back together with the same blood ive shared. I tear my heart out for ppl I love. I fall too easy for ppl I could never be with. I hate the feeling knowing I'll never have the love they give and never make them happy. I need to control what I am inside and hide the feelings I have for them But I slip up. I show signs and that's how I fuck up. I try being with ppl that don't need to be with me or need to know my feelings. I Hurt myself more when I try so hard to make that one person happy and it blows up in my face. I act like it wasn't going to happen but i know it will. They fall for me too but never really felt what its like to actually have me. I'm a clingy person.. But so distant. My feelings are deep down but they rise for one person. I need to stop that. I need to hide that feeling. All those feelings that I know makes me think these thoughts