
So... I know I haven't updated anything in forever but I feel like my heart and head just weren't in it and so I stopped. I'm sorry if you liked my stories ( you little dirty minded crazies). I'm thinking instead I'll just write down some of my weird thoughts and anonymous conversations I have bc my thoughts are crazy. I mean I am crazy, pretty sure I'm schizophrenic. So does anyone want to read my crazy thoughts?


So... I know I haven't updated anything in forever but I feel like my heart and head just weren't in it and so I stopped. I'm sorry if you liked my stories ( you little dirty minded crazies). I'm thinking instead I'll just write down some of my weird thoughts and anonymous conversations I have bc my thoughts are crazy. I mean I am crazy, pretty sure I'm schizophrenic. So does anyone want to read my crazy thoughts?


I hope everyone is staying safe. Remember to wash your hands and dont die. I, being the antisocial bug I am, have been sleeping and watching YouTube during quarantine so I'm sorry that i haven't updated my stories in forever. I'm just cleaning out some bad people in my life and learning to let the good ones in. My friend said I should get tested for coronavirus bc i have seasonal allergies and cough a lot. That was random. I'm sorry. Im bored. Byyyyyyyyeeeee


Ok so dont come at me but can I just say that Snape got the redemption story that Draco deserved? Draco was forced to become a death eater and was raised to believe that anyone that wasn't pure blood was dirt on their shoes. Snape would watch muggles and basically stalked lily and then got mad bc she defended him and wouldn't suck his dick.