
  come  closer,     let  me inspect  your  wounds. 


in the ambient night of the glowing moon, the crescent moonlight cast a shadow upon his sharp face. feet moved on soft grass, feeling the cool temperature of the ground.       once, the distance between them ceased to exist upon her trudging towards him at the same time.  rurik’s jade hues did not fail to catch a glimpse of the glinting tears in her bright orbs. he merely lowered his head, inspecting the nasty wound and swiftly turned on his heel, heading back to his tent.        the wildlife was a sort of drug, providing peace and chaos where both co-existed.  rummaging in the makeshift home, he found remedies from the medical bag. the tent was neat, spacious, and perfect for his towering frame. the fire outside cast warm shadows inside.    dragging the bag with him,  rurik returned to the woman, ignoring that it was nighttime. whilst camping with nature, his curiosity wanted to claw her for answers.     placing the medical bag on the grass,   zip unlocked and wide open.  he reached for the contents inside,   pulling out fresh gauze and ointment.
            “where is it?” rurik asked, a hint of curiosity lingering in his thick voice. “the wounds, i mean.    i can only read your pale expressions.”         confusion surfaced as his hues searched her face, trailing over her body looking for the injury.
                                  ⠀ ݁ @embermagi  .


id: @hyrded 
            [ there was a silence that passed over her, her hand flexed over her wound as she tried to heal herself to no avail. an inky black thickness pulsed through her veins— some kind of poison she couldn’t identify coursed through her and made her weak. such a thought made her sick, her eyes stinging with pained tears before she looks over at him. 
                his voice almost holding a semblance of care— maybe it was a morbid curiosity. regardless she sighs, walking over to him with a look of annoyance that was more so inward. ] just… please be gentle. 