
After a really long time. Thanks to those, who still read it and added to their reading lists. I have seen notifications and those notifications motivated me to write this again. Hope you like it!



Thank you soo much for all the votes ♥ 


@eman_naqvi25  aaww thank you =p


@AJawaid of course gurllllll, I loved the book soo much. It was litttttttt. Lots of love and good luch to you for next projects❤


Hey beautiful hope you're doing well if you're interested in Pakistani romances do please try this book and leave your valuable feedback I'll be very grateful for new writer here your support will mean alot thanks 


Hello! I’ve came to let you know that I have just recently got an account. I was wondering if you’ll be interested to follow. On my account I am mostly just going to be writing reviews of people’s books. 
          I’m open to reviewing one of your books too. I think it would just be a cool idea to have people come on a page and find book recommendations and get recognition as a book writer. 
          If you are not comfortable with me asking you this, i will delete this message. In no way shape or form do I want to be disrespectful towards you or your fan base. 
          If you want to enter in one of your books to be reviewed you can just go to the chapter in my review book called ‘how to submit your book.’ I also ask that if you seriously want to submit a book that you look over the rules I have set in place to make it a more enjoyable time for everyone. 
          Thank you for your time and have a good day!


@Book_Reviews10 no that's not a problem at all. Thank you ao much.