

... Do you ever stay strong because someone has to. Like, you want nothing more than to break down but you can't... I just said good-bye to my Mum Mum. She's been struggling with cancer for a while now. As long as I can remember. And every time, she's made it through. But this time, it's beating her... She's in pain. A lot... And as I sat next to her bed, holding her hand and stroking her arm, I fought back tears because she knows. She know that she probably won't be making it through the night. She knows that the cancer is winning. She told me that she doesn't want her last night to be like this and I had no clue what to say. What do you say to that? And so, I sat there, trying to get her mind off the pain. Make her think about something other than the fact that she won't make it. She said to me, "You know I love you, right?" And I told her that I do. Of course I do. And so I told her that I love her. I said, "You wanna know a secret? You're my hero. You're always so strong and you're always there for me when I need it." And she teared up even more than she already was. And when I had to leave, I said, "Goodbye. I love you," and kissed her forehead for what will probably be the last time. Because, yes, she is strong. She is a fighter. But she's also elderly. And she's been strong for so long, that she deserves a break. And I may not be Christian, but there is one thing I know. Wherever she goes, whatever comes after death, whatever is waiting for her on the other side, they'll be lucky to have her. Because if there's ever been an angel before me, it's her.


@-L0UP4STA I- Man... Thank you so much. I didn't realize how much I needed this until you said that


@-L0UP4STA Thank you. Really. Honestly, I don't feel strong. But I always try to act that way. I'm just glad I didn't cry in front of her. I may have teared up but I didn't let her see a tear fall. She's in enough pain without watching me break. So I just gave her the brightest smile I could. I knew, the moment I heard about her condition, that I had to see her. One last time. I had to say goodbye to her in person. Because if I didn't, I knew I would regret it. But I don't think I'll ever forget the way she looked. Frail and sickly. She couldn't move without help. But even then, I couldn't help but notice how strong she was. It's like, even though she knew what was happening, she had to stay strong for everyone else. So I decided that I had to stay strong for her. Every time I teared up, I would just smile. Because she deserved it. I honestly didn't smile enough for her, in my opinion


Okay so... I just finished watching The Promised Neverland and let me just tell you... I wasn't prepared. Like, at all. But it's literally such a good anime and I love it. I almost cried 3 times and I felt like I was freaking out for the last quarter of the anime. I managed to keep it together though. All I can say is... WHY NORMAN?!... Sigh. I"m good now


If I publish a book to where the readers could request short stories or one-shots about a Haikyuu character, would you guys read it?


Anything could be requested, though I prefer no lemons because I've never written that and don't think I could, but I could do fluff, angst, or even funny/crack. Even if you want a short text/chat fic, I could do that.


Just a question. I can't make any promises that it would be any good and I also can't promise that the updates would be steady at this moment, but I have nothing better to do with my life and do like writing.