
@laurenn-- Lol 3 HOURS?! Well the most I ever did was two hours each day and my gym owner always said I was a beast at working my legs but damn you top me girl! NY? How exciting all I'm looking forward to is more government homework -_-. What do you usually do while your their? (Sorry for the delay but school has been crazy lately!)
          	@2plutoandback Love London. I resonate with White Fang and his transformation into something vicious due to his experiences but I have yet to read the other books although my other guy friend did recommended that I take a look at it. I think all his books are a reflection of what London has lived and it isn't pretty but in the end you see the same type of desire of a more gentle and caring world. Ultimately I think that is what London desires and hopes for that within the cruelty there is kindness somewhere reserved for those that deserve it. I'll try and get to the other books but Vanity Fair has me busy lately and before that it was "Why Men Love Bitches". I like variety 


@laurenn-- Lol 3 HOURS?! Well the most I ever did was two hours each day and my gym owner always said I was a beast at working my legs but damn you top me girl! NY? How exciting all I'm looking forward to is more government homework -_-. What do you usually do while your their? (Sorry for the delay but school has been crazy lately!)
          @2plutoandback Love London. I resonate with White Fang and his transformation into something vicious due to his experiences but I have yet to read the other books although my other guy friend did recommended that I take a look at it. I think all his books are a reflection of what London has lived and it isn't pretty but in the end you see the same type of desire of a more gentle and caring world. Ultimately I think that is what London desires and hopes for that within the cruelty there is kindness somewhere reserved for those that deserve it. I'll try and get to the other books but Vanity Fair has me busy lately and before that it was "Why Men Love Bitches". I like variety 


@laurenn-- You should be happy, this means you have a life (cheer!). I on the other hand just have paper work to go through and stress but alas I just keep envisioning the a perfect Caribbean coast that awaits in December XD. I need a vacation! 
          Ah dancing, I never had enough self esteem to try that out but your commendable because it does take up a lot of energy. 


@laurenn-- Tired. Very tired but I love work, couldn't think straight without it. Yes I do believe I'll turn out to be a fine workaholic :). Thanks for asking, so few people do these days. And you my dear? Is life becoming a bit more bearable? I do believe someone somewhere in my murky past told me it would but then again you know what they say about such unidentifiable sources. I've ranted enough, do tell me "what's up" :]
          @Aetila Please don't herd me in with the rest of them, I dislike generalizations. In addition I know you meant well but don't do that. That whole guessing what people are thinking because maybe more then half of them haven't even thought about it. Your not building your case that way. If anything you should compliment the reader, on something, and insinuate how intellectual and open minded they are by reading your story and allude to how incredible a read it will be (all this being an example). I'm sure that type of advertisement will do wonders for you :). That said I'll try and check out your story but I do hope you like criticism....


Hey there! ٩(●̮̮̃•)۶ 
          Your 99% reaction: ¬╭╮¬ ❝ Another lame, dumb, request.❞
          Don't worry, it's completely understandable. It's also understandable when people say they'll return the favor and don't--so, if you reply, I'll read your story, first!
          I'm entering the Watty Awards with my science fiction thriller "Empire Wars".
          Your 99% reaction:❝ Cheesy name. Bet it's about a self-righteous, "chosen" princess, with sudden "kickass skills." ❞
          Not exactly. Genre; Sci-fi, action, thriller, adventure, some mystery/suspense! My characters are not Mary/Gary Sues, and hopefully, they won't annoy you till you wish to to stab yourself and stuff candle wax down your ears! >◕‿◕< 
          There is a lot of shooting, stabbing, killing (mostly random), machine guns, melting people, and something somewhat resembling romance, but will never be, because the characters are all semi-insane! 
          If you still haven't deleted/ignored it by now, I want to thank you so much for reading, and here's the synopsis:
          Mile-deep in drugs, alcohol, debt, loan-sharking, and various other shady things, teenage insomniac and horror junkie Kiers van der Wolf really is desperation’s favorite son. With siblings who do nothing but party, a deranged, drug-addicted mother who sells herself, and a father in jail, the young lunatic has really nothing by his mentally unstable friends. When the chance of a lifetime comes by, what can a pack of savage video-gamers say? Risking vegetation, life, and mind, this band of hopeless degenerates put their reclusive, future-less careers on the line to break out of the chains called “what people think”, in this tale of how success if only obtained through gallons of blood, strife, and perseverance. 
          Votes are all greatly appreciated for Watty! <3 
          But don't vote unless I deserve it, and criticism is always received gratefully! Thank you so much for reading this message!