
Writers, even readers! What are some concerns you have when you're going through a story, what are the things you want to be amazing? Is it world building? Description? Character arcs? Humor? Hoping the story gets finished?


@elvenmystery Character arcs for sure


@elvenmystery I'd say one of the things I stress most over is getting the character arcs right. Not too fast, not too slow, get all the right crises in, don't miss an incident, etc.


@elvenmystery personally it all starts with dialogue for me. If the dialogue is weak, that means the characterization is weak, and then the story falls apart. Broken, weak dialogue is a deal breaker for me


Writers, even readers! What are some concerns you have when you're going through a story, what are the things you want to be amazing? Is it world building? Description? Character arcs? Humor? Hoping the story gets finished?


@elvenmystery Character arcs for sure


@elvenmystery I'd say one of the things I stress most over is getting the character arcs right. Not too fast, not too slow, get all the right crises in, don't miss an incident, etc.


@elvenmystery personally it all starts with dialogue for me. If the dialogue is weak, that means the characterization is weak, and then the story falls apart. Broken, weak dialogue is a deal breaker for me


Thanks so much for voting and commenting on my story! It means so much to me to see other readers/writers reading my amateur story! If you ever need anything feel free to leave a message! 


@maebel3 I think I am blind because, I am a gold medalist at missing comments on my conversation page. *shrugs* What a surprise? Lol.
            I have enjoyed it so far! I am very excited to read more of it when I have the time! You have real promise as a writer. :)


Hello fellow Christian and Middle Earth-lover,
          Thank you for the follow. I hope you'll enjoy the adventure I have to offer when you have time. Have a lovely day, and happy reading!


I thought I recognized your username! Lol, I just didn't know for sure. Thank you very much, and I'm working to have the next update come out on Friday! 


@Reese_Cadwell Thank you... I have been a long time reader of Element of the Heart, perhaps the best story I have been lucky enough found on here. :) You are an amazing writer, and I'm not entirely sure why I was not following you earlier.


Hello! Just dropping by to say your writing is so descriptive and vivid and I love it! Your bio is really relatable to me as well! Keep on being awesome, my fellow Christian and tolkienite! :)


@elfindisguise Thank you so much! It's so relieving to hear people know from my bio I'm just a person, doing my best to follow the Lord, and honor what Tolkien wrote! And thank you for the amazing compliments! They truly brightened my day!


Thank you for the recommendation! I've gotten great feedback because of you! 


 thanks Mellon!


@e_Silmarwen_elf You are most welcome! :) I only recommenced the best stories (which of course is you'rs, duh)! ^^


@elvenmystery well most professional writers post their stories here to build up a target interest before release.  Sometimes Wattpad then backs them...tbh I don't really know how it works and I imagine both parties maybe benefit in some way.
          Personally, I wouldn't post a whole novel, just enough of a set-up to get vital feedback and listen to how readers are interacting with the early plot and characters.  It's also good to see what type of patterns emerge in terms of reader demographics then you can tailor the rest of your plot to that audience. 
          Lastly, nobody can steal your idea if you don't have your full novel on display.  You know in your head what your draft looks like, as long as you don't announce that to the world you should be safe. The most someone could do is be inspired by what you've written and try something out, but actual writers would NOT steal people's work...wannabes do but don't worry about them professionals no the difference...and you can always address plagiarism with the website if you feel it's just.
          Hope this helps! And I wish you all the luck in the world, mellon. I'm hoping to attend an event too, so I understand your concerns. 


@CJ_Callahan90 I was very concerned about posting my stories (let's be honest my stories are my babies, I'll always be worried) on here but now I'm more confident on the subject, and may have something up in the near future...your opinion was very helpful and steadied my worries, thank you!!
            And I wish you all the luck in the world as well. :)