
Hey Homie E, you are so incredibly amazing and sweet and funny and fake and i just love you soooo much. jkjk, im going to go over there and freaking punch your fat off. i know you are either recording or videotaping... or even screenshoting (however you spell that) right now. Go read some cliche and cheesy teen fiction.
          P.S everything I said was a lie. I love you to the moon and back. I dont even think of you as a best friend. You are more than that. You are officially my sister. We have had so many memories that its insane. We have two-oclock highs and laugh our butt offs whenever we are together. Oh, and DANIEL IS MAH MAN!! Remember the news reporters with the animals and the fan mail to Tyler H. when Daniel was reading it. And TPose and Dylan pretending to cry about it. And his MOLES>>
          I hope this fulfills your bare message feed thingy..
          You dirty scoundrel.