
Just did a killer workout FAM and I'm bout to take my sweaty self into a nice cold shower. What did you guys do today. I'd like for us to have group chats like this but lemme clean my nasty sweaty body first.
          	Keep slaying FAM✨


Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for the 2 glo up guides that you wrote. It inspired me alpt to be healthy and to treat myself once in a while. Before I started to read your book I didn't like life and would sit on my own in my room amd stay quiet most of the time but your books helped me to become a better person and to believe in myself.


Hey Kylie , firstly I'd like to THANK YOU for your advice you give us...  It's a amazing. 
          I have a request though... Here in South Africa it's summer,  and I'd like to ask if you could post anything summer related  puuuuhhhlease. 
          Love you though, my name is Tandi by the way ❤❤


@thandiwaters North West Babe but I'm I've been a pta girl my whole life :)


@JolaAdeoye hey  where in SA.. .cause I'm in Durban boo  another South African gaaaaall! 