Why am I always tired? 

If you're reading this, hello! I write stories for fun when I get an idea and I'll always try to finish them from now on.

I mostly do pokemon stories right now, but maybe in the future I'll write about something else.

I enjoy "adult material", pokemon, dragons, some anime, being friendly, aaaaaaand dumb shit that makes me wheeze laughing

Well, I don't bite. So if you ever feel the need to communicate with me I'll answer you.

If this account looks familiar, or you swear you were following me before (shoutout to the like, the four people who were) I made two separate accounts. One for people I know irl, and one for (mostly) strangers. I did it because I write shitty fanfic I don't want my friends to see :')
  • Έγινε μέλοςJuly 8, 2017
