
I think this speaks for itself but we're translating and posting this. It is only for the server members and this is simply the prologue. If you want to read the translated version of the lout of the counts family: law of hunting please join the server . Part 2 is finally here, you can find the official translaions at kakopage and so on. Happy reading!


I think this speaks for itself but we're translating and posting this. It is only for the server members and this is simply the prologue. If you want to read the translated version of the lout of the counts family: law of hunting please join the server . Part 2 is finally here, you can find the official translaions at kakopage and so on. Happy reading!


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Currently working on a book with a ton of crossovers. Altho it may take a while for me to post chapters. I will do my best. So if we have anyone here who's a fan shadow hunters and uncle Ricky's books, I'd suggest u stay on look out for this one. My writing isnt very similar to his so you may feel a little dissatisfaction there. Apart from that another important thing is that most of the important characters or protagonists that will receive the lime light will be the females because who doesnt like badass women, am I right? 
          And I will also be making changes to the existing dimension they are currently in. So forgive me for making a very disturbingly chaotic world. I swear it gets better at some point. How u gon be a hero without having villains. I'm also hoping to turn a few villains into good guys later in the book. Idk just read this shit if yall wanna.