
⠀⠀new message board above.


i didn’t come for a fight;   just information.
          /   he’s so perfect for this fandom bc lowk bro’s a bloodbender


@sangori,            a criminal?      [    the avatar replies,   seemingly excited by the news as his eyes lit up.    ]      let me help you find him then!   surely with the help from THE avatar will get the job done a lot faster.


i never said i wasn’t.       look,   they said he was a waterbender,        some crook.      he owes plenty money     —     and my boss reimbursement as well.


@sangori,               rather suspicious,   i won’t lie to you.   especially with your whole entrance and all..   you sure you’re not a bad guy?


[ @earthbnd ]
                    "   alright kid ,   this is my first time appearing as a spirit ,   so cut me some slack .   now what avatar wisdom were you looking for that brought me here ?   "


[ @earthbnd ]
                      "   pick up a history book ,   jeez .   the white lotus really needs to focus on all aspects of bending ,   not just the technique .   anyway ,   yes .   what's your drive ?   what motivates you ?   and more importantly ,   have confidence .   yes ,   firebending can be dangerous ,   but you'll never be able to perform it if you're scared of it .   have the confidence in yourself to know that you can harness and control that power .   "


@avatarisms,              (EH)?    [      a look of confusion washes over him,   li-yong seeming to be unfamiliar from the newer notions.   perhaps it was the history behind bending now being washed away,   but the avatar barely was taught any of the origins of fire-bending,   rather simply the technique and skill of it all.   perhaps this is what he needed,   a newer..   more different approach to things.    ]      so what would be my source?   like   (uh)..    pulling stuff from the inside of my heart?  


[ @earthbnd ]
                      "   anger ?   who the hell told you that ?   ugh ,   modern firebenders have lost touch with their roots .   firebending with anger is the result of misuse and distortion .   the original firebenders were dragons ,   you think they were fueled by hatred ?   no wonder you can't learn firebending ,   you're drawing from the wrong source .   "


if i hear you fangirl over my great grandfather one more time… 


@flamse,           sorry,   it’s probably annoying you’re right.   except i mean,   he’s just as amazing as you are in every possible way?      [    the avatar lightly brushed aside a bit of his hair,   cheeks reddening slightly.    ]      


[ if it weren’t for the servants flocking him, she would’ve been at the fire lord’s side in a heartbeat and helped him get to the gardens ]     of course he’s amazing.  you don’t have to remind me every single time he makes an appearance. 


@flamse,              but he’s (THE) fire lord zuko,   his stories are amazing especially his adventures with avatar aang.      [    li-yong exclaims in his sing-song voice,   exasperated as he watches the old figure pass.    ]      COME ON!   he’s amazing. 


how are you so energetic at all hours of the day? 


@flamse,              you just have to kick back and relax!   but also,   i can take care of myself just fine too.  you don’t have to always protect me.


i don’t know how you manage to sleep like a damn log all throughout the night.  someone could make an assassination attempt and you’d sleep straight through it. 


@flamse,              ‘cause some of us get the usual amount of rest a person needs!   now i’m kickin’ with energy,   ready to kick some butt if needed!    (:<


your form is terrible.  you’ll never firebend like that. 


@flamse,              [    it was moments where he lost his cool that reminded li-yong he had a long way to go.   a sigh escapes past his lips,   eyes squeezing shut for a second as he thought,    ]       but it’s still frustrating,   hikaru.   i just can’t tap into it,   even korra got the hang of air-bending when people needed it.   at this point,   i’m going to get nowhere!   UGHHHHHHHHH—


[ though the sudden rise of stone was unexpected (close enough to make a strand of her hair sway over her face), she so much as flinch. carefully, she walks over and takes a seat besides him, legs crossed in front of her ]     you and i both know that’s not true.    [ turning her head, she looks at him before nudging his arm gently with her own ]     you’ll get there.  every avatar has an element they struggle with more than the others. 


@flamse,              [    with a frustrated sigh,   he retracts his fist that was posted up in front of him,   now back to li-yong’s side as no flames or ANYTHING was bursting from them anytime soon.   almost from a burst of anger,   he lifts his hands up,   two pillars of stone emerging from the ground as he soon sits down with a grunt.    ]      this isn’t going anywhere,   maybe i’ll be fine without it,   you know? 


i'm sorry,   but could you repeat that?


[ there was a moment of hesitation,   and she hoped he wouldn't point it out.   it's not that she didn't want to help him;   she was just tired.   the idea of walking around the city while being this tired sounded unappealing.   if she was to accept his request for a tour guide,   she would need some coffee first.   luckily for her there was an abundance of cafés in the area. ]   sure.  what is it that you're looking for?   i might be able to walk you there.


/    [goes and walks into the corner and stands]    ):  …


@lacrymosas,        she doesn’t bite if that’s what you’re worried about.      [    a sigh escapes past his lips,   seemingly stressed as his hand goes over his face.   a brush of frustration gracing his expression,    ]      it’s fine.   it’s   (FINE)..    but hey,   think you can help out a bit?   this is my first time in gotham city and uh..   i have no idea where anything is honestly.   