
How many of my followers are into Overwatch/ TF2? Maybe we can play together?


HEY EVERYBODY! YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL! ITS THE ONE-STOP SHOP FOR EVERYTHING POPULAR NOW! Just click the website button under my description to check it out. I've got a few funny videos up right now. Please dont judge my equipment, I dont have a lot of money right now.


Well, I reached 100 followers! I might start writing more now that I have the idea that I have people reading. Is there a chance I could have a original story published one day? Maybe! But, let's start off small. Thank you all for following me and expect more work from me soon like short stories, original stories, and maybe a slight more bit of Homestuck and fandom jumbo. 


88 followers... Whats half of 88? 44 whats 44 minus 2? 42! Whats 4 plus 2? 6! And if you do that three times what do you get? 666!!!!! omg, but theres more. What else has been known for 3??? A TRIANGLE. A TRIANGE HAS 3 SIDES. AND ALL THE SIDES EQUAL 6!!! ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!1!1!1!1!1!!!!!!11!


I love all of my followers! You people's comments give me life! Especially the running joke about the dildo. So, I'm thinking... another book? Something that's not boring as boring as the last one... How about some danger or something? Maybe a ton of different people... How about... A combination of a bunch of different things. I think I'll call it... Fiction Universe. If you want, give me some shows, comics, or games and possibly I'll pick some to be in the book! (This one will be written better, I promise)