
changed my username back to what it was...the memories are flooding back


hello. it’s dylan, lol.
          i haven’t been on this account in a hot minute (got locked out) so here are some updates:
          i use ao3 now
          i don’t write rpf anymore
          i’m autistic
          i KNOW my bio says “gus did boogerwall.” i wish it didn’t, i cannot change it, i can’t log in. i do not support gus in any way, i think he’s a scumbag
          im on twitter and instagram: @occultbooks_
          my ao3 is s4dlik3_mrme
          my favorite things are ghostbusters, they might be giants, and comedy
          i might use this new wattpad account to just lurk and read stuff. might write stuff that i’m too embarrassed to put on ao3
          anyway. hope y’all are doing well. i really wish i could access this account lol