
Sorry for not updating lately! I've been busy, didn't have much free time and couldn't use my laptop (I don't like using my phone). I'll try and update books soon!


i've missed you sm


@dumbpotatoqueen aslkdfj i love u still


omg I just realized what I wrote in the last post 
          I meant that Chris Hemsworth's DAUGHTER plays the girl in love and thunder!


@niallsuglypotato they totally should have had chris hemsworth play the little girl tho


but i'm fussy and never like any of the people who actually ask me out *sighs* (three in the last few months I'll let you knw, ur gal is a wanted woman). And I don't want no long distance so that rules out like most of the planet and I live in a wee town so options are limited. What is the point in being gay if you can't find a girlfriend!? And no I have never been asked out by a girl wich is very offensive (and yes only like 8 people know I'm gay so that might have something to do with it ig)


Why can't the books write themselves?
          I honestly get so excited about what's gonna happen next and then it hits me.
          I HAVE TO WRITE IT!?