
as you've probably gathered, I keep saying "oh look I'm back!" and then never actually doing anything. I've fallen out of the fandom for quite a while, and atm, I only get random bursts of motivation to start writing a few paragraphs on one of my books. currently, my notes are just full of random paragraphs that probably don't fit into any of my books, but eventually, you might see a chapter pop up or maybe even if a few if I get really motivated lmao. I hope you lot had a good xmas. i'm currently enjoying the break as much as I can because school is bloody awful. I can't wait to leave in just over a years time.
          	- e


as you've probably gathered, I keep saying "oh look I'm back!" and then never actually doing anything. I've fallen out of the fandom for quite a while, and atm, I only get random bursts of motivation to start writing a few paragraphs on one of my books. currently, my notes are just full of random paragraphs that probably don't fit into any of my books, but eventually, you might see a chapter pop up or maybe even if a few if I get really motivated lmao. I hope you lot had a good xmas. i'm currently enjoying the break as much as I can because school is bloody awful. I can't wait to leave in just over a years time.
          - e


i’m very sorry for leaving for so long, let’s just say i wasn’t in the best time of my life. earlier in that year when i was 12 i had been sa’d multiple times, and i was finally realising how much of a toxic relationship i had been in. although it had been a few months i was still hurting and at that point i hadn’t told anybody what happened to me. 
          now, nearly a whole year later i’ve decided to return to wattpad. i’m very sorry for how long it had taken. i’m now in a happy relationship and life is more enjoyable than it was before. obviously i have still been occasionally logging on and reading other people’s stories, but i haven’t published a book for ages or updated to one. speaking of books, i decided to take down my awfully wrote 2doc one, and it’s being worked on. 
          obviously during this time i have slowly fell out of the gorillaz fandom, but i’m still more than happy to write (none abusive) 2doc fanfics for people to read. 
          if you read this, thank you <3


@dullredsmxke I'm so sorry that happened, I'm very glad you're doing good better. And I'm glad you took time for yourself instead of forcing yourself to write just to please people
            I hope your day is going well, dullred <33 


regarding my identity i’m choosing to keep this private. obviously i have mentioned some of the things that have happened to me, but my face, name, and other information will be kept private. please just refer to me as my username and use she/her pronouns as i’m a female. :)


Hi, i hope you're doing better <3


thank you, sorry for such a late reply. i literally forgot about wattpad all together lmao. i’m doing a lot better now, i was going through a hard time and i couldn’t find a way to cope with it. thank you for checking on me though, really appreciate it <33


hey, I’m not sure if anybody read these in the first place, but if you see this, I’m taking a break from Wattpad. I will be responding to comments when I come on, but I won’t be publishing anything for quite a while or reading anything either. 
          I’m losing the will to live and I need to try and find myself.
          if you did read this, thank you.
          - e


this message may be offensive
Why do I imagine that on Plastic beach Murdoc, Cyborg and 2D had a group chat and they’d all message like:
          Murdoc: fuck my life man *insert rant here*
          2D: I’m hungry down here
          Cyborg: ok
          LIKE BRO


ok, I’m going to edit some of the chapters that were previously uploaded as I feel I rushed a lot of them in an attempt to get another chapter out. it won’t at all affect the story line, although I’ve messed that up already.